The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a
skill training programme designed to prepare and expose students of
Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology and Colleges of Agriculture
for the industrial working situation they are likely to encounter after
graduation. The scheme affords students the opportunity to familiarize and
expose themselves to the required knowledge in handling equipment and machinery
that are usually not available in their institutions.
The SIWES is a compulsory training programme for students that are studying
courses approved by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for SIWES
funding in Nigeria Tertiary Institution with the sole aim of bridging the gap
between theory and practice. The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) was established
in the year 1971 with the main aim of promoting and encouraging the acquisition
of skills in industry and commerce with a view to gathering a pool of
indigenous trained manpower sufficient to meet the needs of the economy.
1973,ITF initiated, designed and introduced SIWES scheme to acquaint students
with the skills of handling industrial equipment and machinery.
Brief History of FEDPOLEL SIWES unit
The Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji was established on July, 2014 via a presidential pronouncement. It however took off effectively in April, 2015.
The polytechnic Therefore commenced Academic activities in five programmes in November 2015 at ND level. The programmes are:
1Â Â Accountancy
2Â Computer Science
3Â Computer Engineering
4Â Electrical and Electronics Engineering
5Â Statistics
On Monday 5th June, 2017 The SIWES unit was established in Accordance with the national Board for technical education (NBTE) guidelines. The mandate of the unit is to prepare ,assess and guide student toward the sixteen weeks SIWES programme. The unit however deployed it first set of student for the SIWES programme in october, 2017.
The unit was accredited by the national board for technical education(NBTE) in september,2019.
As at the commencement of 2019/2020 academic session, The institution as added 7 more department to the first five to make 12 in all.The new departments are Architectural Technology, Agricultural Technology, Cooperative studies and management, Business Administration, Science Laboratory Technology, and Fishery Technology.