1. | ENGR. A.O. ADETUNMBI | i. ***Adetunmbi, A.O., Ebinowen, T.D., Oyediji, F.T. and Adetunji, A.A. (2021). Optimal Placement of Capacitor Bank on Ondo 132/33KV Transmission Substation, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 8(3): page 17-25., ISSN: 2581-8368
ii. *** Adetunmbi A.O., Olawuni A and Bello S.A. (2021) Power Loss Reduction on Transmission Network Using Capacitor Bank (A Case Study of Ondo 132/33KV Network) International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 8, Issue 6 ISSN: 2350-0328
iii. *** Aluko A.O., Babalola A.D. and Adetunmbi A.O. (2021) Development Of An Automatic Transmission And Measurements Of Data In Nigeria Oil Sector With A Telemeter Using Wireless Technology. Global Scientific Journal: Volume 9, Issue 2,, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
iv. *** Aluko A.O., Babalola A.D. and Adetunmbi A.O. (2021) Development of Simple Calculator to Perform Arithmetic Functions Using Microcontroller. Global Scientific Journal: Volume 9, Issue 3,, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
v. *** Babalola A.D., Adetunmbi A.O. and Yakubu A.J. (2020). Optimization of Hybrid Power System Using Homer For Urban Electrification ( A Case Study of Oyemekun, Akure, Nigeria), Sospoly Journal of Engineering, Entrepreneurship & Environmental Studies 3(1) ISSN: 2536-7183
vi. *** O.E Oyewole, A.O. Adetunmbi and P.K. Olulope (2019). Electricity Generation through Biomass in Nigeria: Option, Benefit and Prospect, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies JMESS, ISSN:2458-925X Page 2947-2952
vii. Olajuyin E.A.,Wara S.T., Olubakinde E. & Adetunmbi A.O. (2018). Long Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neura Network, American Journal of Engineering Research 7(11) Page 14-17
viii. Adetunmbi A.O., Ebinowen T.D. & Akinnifesi A.F. (2018). Electrical Fault Assessment of a 33KV Distribution Network: A Case Study of Ile-Oluji 33KV Feeder, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 7(9) Page 266-271 .
2. | ENGR. A. OLAWUNI | (i) Ogunwuyi O. J and Olawuni A., (2021) Modelling of distribution load pattern for ODI-Olowo and Ikirun road distribution substations, Osogbo, International Journal of Engineering in Computer Science; 3(2): 01-04 (ii) Adetunmbi A.O., Olawuni A. and Bello S.A., (2021) Power Loss Reduction on Transmission Network Using Capacitor Bank (A Case of Akure 132/33 KV Network), International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology; 8(6): 17588 – 17596 , June 2021 (iii) Omotayo M. E., Olawuni A. and Oyajide D. O., (2020) Utilization Of Renewable Using Optimization Techniques, i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering;8(3):1 – 7 (iv) Olawuni, A., Ola, B. O. and Ogunwuyi, O. J., (2019) Development of Electricity Consumption and Monitoring System Using Internet of Things and Raspberry, Journal of Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal 10(4): 65 – 75 (v) Ogunwuyi, O. J. and Olawuni, A. (2019) A Speech Recognition Voice Control System for Visitor Directive in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Nigeria, i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 6 l(3): 1 – 6 (vi) Oni, E., Yusuf, A. and Olawuni, A., (2019) Design of Micro-Controller based Android Appliances System for a Remote Access, Villanova Journal of Science, Technology and Management 1(1): 139 – 148. (vii) Olawuni A, Omotayo Mayowa, Ogunwuyi O. J and Adeleke A. O., (2018) Power System Stability of Coordinated Voltage Controlling In Electric Power System, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 4(6): 85 – 90. (viii) Olawuni A.& Omotayo M. E., (2016). Design and implementation of programmable ultrafast circuit breaker with solid state relay, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2(6): 36 – 40.
(ix) Olawuni A. and Omotayo M. E., (2016). Design of SMS Prepaid Energy Meter for a Cashless Economy with Recharge Option and Bypass, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 5(6): 74 – 78.
(x) Omotayo, M. E. Olawuni, A., Oyajide, D. O. and Babalola, F. A. (2015) Economic Effect of connecting Renewable Energy to Grid Station in Nigeria, American Journal of Research Communication, 3(6): 142 – 149.
3. | ENGR. A.F. AKINNIFESI | i. Akinnifesi A. F. Akin-Ponnle & Ebinowen T. D.(2018) Development of an Improved Electromagnetic Braking System of Induction Motor for Domestic and Industrial Safety American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2018
ii. Ebinowen T. D. & Akinnifesi A. F. (2018) Utilization Efficiency of Radio Frequency Spectrum for Mobile Communication in Akure, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol.5 No. 6, June 2018.
iii. Adetunmbi A. O., Ebinowen T. D. & Akinnifesi A. F.(2018) Electrical Fault Assessment of a 33KV Distribution Network: A Case Study of Ile-Oluji 33KV Feeder. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology. September 2018.
iv Akinnifesi A. F., Ebinowen T D & Ogunrinola O. (2018) Net Zero Energy Building as a Viable Solution to Energy Crisis in Nigeria. Yabatech Journal of Science and Engineering Research accepted for publication. (2018)
v. A.E. Akin-Ponnle, A.F. Akinnifesi, and R.I. Areola (2021): “A Portable Electronic Cocoa Bean Dryer as an Alternative Implement for Small-Scale Farmers”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, vol. 7, issue 10, pp. 4090-4093
4. | ENGR. T.D. EBINOWEN | (i) Ebinowen, T.D. & Akinnifesi, A.F. (2018). Utilization Efficiency of Radio Frequency Spectrum for Mobile Communication Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, 5(6) 35-45. (ii) Ebinowen, T.D., Abdulrazak, Y.A. & Tijani, B.O. (2018). Optimization of MIMO System Using SIC-MMSE in Additive White Gaussian Noise Rayleigh Fading Channels. International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, Vol 7(9) 146-153. (iii) Ebinowen, T.D. & Odeniyi, C.Y. (2018). Assessment of Existing Electrical Power Distribution Network at Normal Operating Mode (A Case Study of Abuja). American Journal of Engineering Research 7(10) 88-97. (iv) Ebinowen, T.D. & Tijani, B.O. (2018). Voice Traffic Pattern Modeling in Communication Network in Globacom, Akure Ondo State Nigeria. American Journal of Engineering Research 7(10) 98-10. (v) Adetunmbi, A.O., Ebinowen T.D. & Akinnifesi, A.F. (2018). Electrical Fault Assessment of 33KVA Distribution Network. A Case Study of Ile-Oluji 33KVA Feeder. International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology Vol 7(9) 266- 271. (vi) Alimi, I. A. & Ebinowen, T.D. (2015). Communication Systems Noise Reduction Based on Adaptive Spectral Subtraction Method. American Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.1 (2) 47-55. (vii) Alimi, I. A., Akeem, O.A., & Ebinowen, T.D. (2015). Cost Effective and Resilient Large-Sized Campus Network Design American Journal of Information Science and Computer Engineering Vol.1 (1) 21-32. (viii) Abdulrazak, Y.K,, Ebinowen, T.D., Shu’aibu, D.K. & Bello, L.M. (2018). Improved Zero Forcing MIMO Estimation Scheme Over Additive White Gaussian Noise and Rayleigh Fading Channels. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 5(6) 25-34. (ix) Akinnifesi, A.F., Akin-Ponnle, A. & Ebinowen, T.D. (2018). Development of an Improved Electromagnetic Braking System of Induction Motor For Domestic and Industrial Safety. American Journal of Engineering Research 7(10) 231-235. (x) Akinnifesi, A.F., Ebinowen, T.D. & Ogunmola, O.B. (2018). Net-Zero Energy Building as a Viable Solution to Energy Crisis in Nigeria. Yabatech Journal of Science & engineering Research. Accepted for Publication. (xi) ***Ebinowen, T.D. & Umaru,.W. (2020). Fleet Tracking and Monitoring System in Production Industries using Nova Tracker. American Journal of Engineering Research e-ISSN: 2320-0847 P-ISSN: 2320-0936 Volume-9, Issue-7, pp-01-08 www.ajer.org. (xii) ***Ebinowen, T. D. & Aminu, M. (2020). Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Incremental Conductance Maximum Power Point Tracker for PV Array under Partial Shading Condition. European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 7(11):7-14. (xiii) ***Odeniyi, C.Y. & Ebinowen, T.D. (2021). Performance Metric of Abuja Network Power System Reliability. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, ISSN: 2277-9655, Impact Factor: 5.164, CODEN: IJESS7, IC™ Value: 3.00 Researcherid Thomson Reuters. (xiv) ***Akingbade, K.F. & Ebinowen, T.D. (2021). System Control for Seagoing Vessel’s Antenna by a Pole Placement Technique. European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2021, 8(6):14-19 ISSN: 2394 – 658X. (xv) ***Ebinowen, T. D & Adeshina S. O (2021) Evaluation of Rain Cell Size Distribution Pattern on Signal Transmission. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN: 2320-0936 Volume-10, Issue-8, pp: 178-183. (xvi) ***Ebinowen T.D. (2021). Mitigation of Rain Fade Effect at the Ku Band Using Site Diversity Techniques. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165. (xvii) ***Ebinowen, T.D. (2021). Performance Evaluation of a Location Control System for a Sea Going Vessel’s Receiving Antenna. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403 Vol. 8 Issue 7. (xviii) ***Aluko, O. A., Ebinowen, T.D. & Adejola, A.A. (2021). Development of wireless based home security system using PIR sensor. International Journal of Sciences, Engineering & Environmental Technology (IJOSEET), 6(6): 51 – 63, 2021 ISSN 0794-965. www.repcomseet.com. (xix) ***Adetunmbi, A. O., Ebinowen, T. D., Oyediji, F. T. & Adetunji, A. A. (2021). Optimal Placement of Capacitor Bank on Ondo 132/33KV Transmission Substation. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews 8(3): 17-25, 2021; Article |
5. | ENGR. MRS A.E. AKIN-PONNLE | I. Momoh I.M., Akinribide O.J., Olowonubi J.A., Ayanleke J.O., Olorunfemi G.E., Echenim S.N., and Akin- Ponnle A.E. (2015): “Effect of Walnut Shell Powder on the Mechanical Properties of Case-hardened Steel”. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 209-218. Doi: https://isdsnet.com/ijds-v4n2-6.pdf***VII. Akinnifesi A.F., Akin-Ponnle A.E., and Ebinowen T.D. (2018): “Development of an Improved Electromagnetic Braking System of Induction Motor for Domestic and Industrial Safety”. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), Vol. 7, Issue 10, pp. 231-235.
***VIII. Babalola A.D, Akin-Ponnle A.E., Yakubu A.J. (2019): ‘‘Simulation of a Hybrid Power Generation System (A Case Study of Oke Eda, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria)’’, American Journal of Modern Energy, vol.5 No. 2, pp.23-34.
***IX. A.E. Akin-Ponnle and N.B. Carvalho (2021): ‘‘Energy Harvesting Mechanisms in a Smart City- A Review’’, MDPI Smart Cities, vol. 4, pp. 476-498 Doi: mdpi.com/2624-6511/4/2/25
***X. A.E. Akin-Ponnle (2021): ‘‘Cloud-Based Human Sign Language Digit Classification Using CNN: A Case Study of King’s-Center, Akure, Nigeria.’’, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, vol. 7, issue 5, pp. 3899-3903.
***XI. A.E. Akin-Ponnle, A.F. Akinnifesi, and R.I. Areola (2021): “A Portable Electronic Cocoa Bean Dryer as an Alternative Implement for Small-Scale Farmers”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, vol. 7, issue 10, pp. 4090-4093
***XII. A.E. Akin-Ponnle (2021): “Renewable Energy Support to Farm Produce Processing: A Developed Hybrid Electrical/Solar Powered Cocoa Beans Dryer“, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 8, issue 10, pp. 14702-14706. Doi: https://www.jmest.org/wp-content/uploads/JMESTN42353913.pdf |
6. | ENGR. E. OLUBAKINDE | ***Afuye E.k, Oladimeji E. A., E. Olubakinde (2020)“ Solid Waste Analysis and Control in Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.”International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, issue 10, vol.4 ISSN 2249-6149 (ii) ***D.E. Amoran, A.S. Oluwole and E. Olubakinde (2021). “ Design and Construction of a Microcontroller Based Pulse Rate and Temperature Monitor With GSM Module.” International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. ISSN 2456-2165 (iii)***A.S. Oluwole, O.P Odekunle and E. Olubakinde (2021). “ Application and Recent Development of DTMF Based Technology in Home Automation.” EJECE, European Journal of Electrical Engineering Computer Science. ISSN 2736-5751 (iv)***E. Olubakinde & E.A. Olajuyin (2019) “Electrical Load Forecasting in Power System.” (IJISRT) International Journal of Innovative Science And Research Technology. ISSN 2456- 2165. (v)***E. Olubakinde & E.A. Olajuyin (2019) “Design of Solar Power Unit for Ilokun Community Rural Electrification.” (IJISRT) International Journal of Innovative Science And Research Technology. ISSN 2456- 2165. (vi)***E. Olubakinde & E.A Olajuyin. (2019). “Factor Affecting Power Supply in Nigeria and the way Forward.” (I.JEEE-V21 IPI) International Journal for Electrical Engineering and Ethics. ISSN: 2456-9771
7. | ENGR. A. ADEWUSI | (i) K A Amusa, A Adewusi, T C Erinosho and V O Solana (2020) Optimised enhancement scheme for low contrast underwater images. Engineering Research Express 2(3) (ii) Adewusi Adeoluwawale, Amusa Kamoli. A , Are Aliu Sunday (2019) Performance Evaluation Of Some Selected Cost Function in Non-Negative Matrix Decomposition of Monaural Acoustic Mixture. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology, Published by Federal University of Technology, Oye-Ekiti 4 (1) (iii) Kamoli A. Amusa, Francis A. Opeodu, Adeoluwawale Adewusi, Timothy O. Adewunmi. (2018). A SONAR-Based Water Level Monitoring System: An Experimental Design. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology, Published by Federal University of Technology, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria 3(2) (iv) Amusa K. A., Opeodu F. A., Adewusi A. and O. O. Nuga. (2018). Automatic Temperature Control System. FULafia Journal of Science and Technology, Published by Federal University of Technology, Lafia. Nigeria 4(1) (v) Amusa K. A., Adewusi A. and A. J. Olanipekun. (2018). Development of Infra-Red Based Bidirectional Counter. FULafia Journal of Science and Technology, Published by Federal University of Technology, Lafia. 4(1). (vi) Amusa K. A., Opeodu F. A., Adewusi A. and Adefuye M. O. (2017).Mitigating the Traffic Congestion using MPLS Routing towards Greater Efficiency in an IP-Based Network. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, Published by Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,Ogbomosho Nigeria 11(2) http://laujet.com/index.php/laujet/article/view/220. (vii) O.O. Nuga, K. A. Amusa, A. J. Olanipekun and A. Adewusi (2017). Dynamic Behaviour of a Modeled Transportation Networked Control System for T-Junction. Journal of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Nigeria 16(1). (viii) A. Adewusi, K. A. Amusa and A. R. Zubair (2016). Itakura-Saito Divergence Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Application to Speech Separation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 153(9) Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York. d.o.i10.5120/ijca2016912112 (ix) K. A. Amusa, A. Adewusi, O. O. Nuga, A. J. Olanipekun & O. A. Adewale (2015). Pyro-Electric Infrared Sensor-Based Intrusion Detection and Reporting System. African Journal of Computing & ICTs. 8(1): 91– 98. Published by IEEE Computer Society, Nigeria Section. http://www.ajocict.net . (x) K. A. Amusa, A. Adewusi, O. O. Nuga, A. J. Olanipekun & Akinduko O. A (2015). Two-Level Verification Access Control System. African Journal of Computing & ICTs. 8(1):175–180. Published by IEEE Computer Society, Nigeria Section. http://www.ajocict.net.
8. | ENGR. S.A. BELLO | i. ***A.O Adetunmbi, A. Olawuni and S.A Bello, Power Loss Reduction on Transmission Network Using Capacitor Bank(A case of Akure 132/33 kV Network) International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (2021)
ii. S.A. Bello, M.F. Akorede, E. Pouresmaeil, and O. Ibrahim, Unit Commitment Optimisation of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems in the Day-Ahead Electricity Market, CogentEngineering(2016),3:1251009http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2016.1251009
9. | MR. M.D. ADESINA | NIL |
10. | ENGR R.I. AREOLA | i. ***Olajuyin E.A, AREOLA, R.I. (2019). Energy and Sustainable development in developing Countries. IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 2278-1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 14, Issue 4 Ser. I ii. ***R.I. AREOLA, O.O Ipindola (2021). Design of A Community-Based Anaerobic Digester for Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Ile-Oluji Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 20(9): 80-91, 2021; Article no.JERR.69807
iii. *** R.I. AREOLA, F.T. Oyediji, and E.A. Olajuyin (2021). Photovoltaic (PV) Model Evaluation with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. . doi: 21(2): 1-8, 2021; Article no.JERR.75168 iv. A.E. Akin-Ponnle, A.F. Akinnifesi, and R.I. Areola (2021): “A Portable Electronic Cocoa Bean Dryer as an Alternative Implement for Small-Scale Farmers”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, vol. 7, issue 10, pp. 4090-4093 |
11. | MRS O.I. DARE-ADENIRAN | i. A.O. Adeniran and O.I Dare-Adeniran (2017). Numerical Solution of Some Selected RLC Circuit. Journal of Science and Agriculture, Umaru Shinkafi Polytechnic, Sokoto, Vol.2 pp1-5 |
12. | MR O. P. AJAYI | NIL |
13. | MR E.O. OPEKE | NIL |