Rector’s Charge 04/02/2024
Congratulations are in order as we welcome the first substantive Dean, Students Affairs, our very own Engr. A. Olawuni, as he takes up the mantle of leading the Division of Student Affairs, he has proven himself to be redoubtable academic cum administrator and to whom much is given very much is expected. Management desire is to see the student body flourish without let, under his leadership. On behalf of Management, I also would like to commend the efforts of the pioneer Ag. Dean, Students, Engr. Dr. B. O. Adegoke for his immense contribution to the harmony that permeated the affairs of students of the Polytechnic under his able watch, Management is indeed pleased with his efforts and wish him successes in his future engagements.
The current economic outlook is a concern to all discerning individuals and it is sincerely hoped that the government will brace up to the challenge and squarely address the gaps that have occasion the current pass, while the palliatives disbursed are appreciated, the need to adequately address the fundamentals that will depress inflation as well as stem the price shocks hitting the common Nigerian is sine qua non in any efforts of government and we pray for the political will and fortitude to undertake the necessary policies thrust that will reserve the current trend.
As individuals, we are encouraged to remain steadfast as we continue to survive the stormy economic turbulence and press on as a community committed to delivering on the promises of Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji.
As the date for the matriculation ceremony draws near it is important to stress that matriculation signals the end of admission related activities and end of admission formalities. Students still interested in subscribing to the programmes of the Polytechnic, should do this by logging onto https://app.fedpolel.edu.ng, create a profile and follow the instructions displayed. Intending Students are to note that they MUST change their choice of institutions to Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji in all their options on JAMB CAPS.
Please do have a wonderful week.
Thank you.
Dr. Ademola I. Ebeloku
Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji