Rector’s Charge 31/03/2024
Today marks the commemoration of the resurrection of the Christ, to Christian the world over it serves as the underpinning significance of our faith, Paul said in his writings, that if our hope in Christ is in this world alone, we are to be pitied of all men but His resurrection ensured that we have a stake and a claim to His father’s house above.
I assumed duty as Rector on Thursday 27th April, 2023, to be precise and my experience since I assumed office has shown that this institution with the right mix of human and material resource can aspire and indeed rival any other Polytechnic in the country or the world over, but I also know that there is more work to be undertaken before we can count our proverbial eggs.
However, I am of the firm opinion that we are headed in the right direction, let me again repeat the fact that Management will recruit talents in areas of need and attention will be paid to talents/teaching staff who can contribute significantly to new programmes that will soon undertake resource verification by the NBTE and teaching staff will likewise be sourced for programmes that need reinforcing with their staff strength, that promise will not be broken under my watch.
Today is also the beginning of the second quarter of the year 2024 and it behooves each staff to evaluate our commitment to the responsibilities and tasks that we are each charged with, for Academic staff, teaching and preparing the students for the world of works, while the metrics to measure their preparedness to become distinguished figures among women and men of renown is through tests, assignments, term papers, project defenses and examinations.
To Non-Teaching members of staff, I must also commend you all for the various ancillary services you have and continue to render without which this feat will have been impossible. I am grateful for every staff who truly embodies the ethos and the virtue for which Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji has become synonymous and I also charge each member of staff to continue to render such commitment and service that will cast a positive shadow over the Polytechnic now and always.
Please have a pleasant and productive week.
Thank you.
Dr. Ademola I. Ebeloku fcia
Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji