Our History
We welcome you to the School of Engineering. The school was one of the Three Foundation schools at the inception of the Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji.The School made it a deliberate policy to attain and maintain a very high academic standard. It aims to position itself as a global and a national School by maintaining high quality standard in terms of innovation and entrepreneurial education. The School comprises of Three Departments that are invariable relevant to nation building and constitute a major part of the science and technology world. Presently the departments in the school includes: Computer Engineering Technology , Electrical Electronics Engineering Technology , Civil Engineering Technology
The Dean of the school exercises general superintendence over the academic and administrative affairs of the school. Each department has a Head of Department who exercises general superintendence over the academic and administrative affairs of the departments. A Faculty Officer who is also responsible to the Registrar of the University assists the Dean in the administrative running of the Faculty.
Aim/Objective and Mandate
The training of engineering in both engineering and technology is to:
- Train students to be creative, innovative and seek self-employment.
- Inculcate into our engineering and technology graduates an entrepreneurial culture, good communication skills, computer literacy, problem solving, lifelong learning and subject specific skills.
- Ensure a thorough and reliable training which will assure our graduates employment opportunities anywhere in the world.
In order to obtain the ideal manpower required that will lead to the full realization of the tasks and objectives outlined earlier, the following types of training are pursued:
- Lectures on courses which have been prescribed for each degree programme.
- Tutorials which are arranged to complement the formal lectures which will enhance better understanding of the courses.
- Seminars on selected topics to be delivered by invited or internal speakers.
- Comprehensive practical work in the various laboratories and related industrial, educational and research institutions within and outside the university and all such facilities that are deemed necessary for each degree programme.